National Commission for the Backward Classes 10:37 0 The Supreme Court of India, in its judgement regarding reservation of appointments to backward classes, on 16th November 1992, directed the...
NATIONAL COMMISSIONS FOR SCs, STs 10:36 0 The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was originally formed in 1978, as the Commission for Scheduled Castes and...
NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR MINORITIES 10:34 0 India is a nation marked by diversity and multiculturalism. Due to its varied past, it has assimilated people of other cultures and traditi...
THE NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR WOMEN 10:33 0 The National Commission for Women Bill, 1990 was passed by both the Houses of Parliament and received assent of the President on 30th Augus...
Human Rights Courts in Districts 10:32 0 Chapter VI of the Act comprising Sections 30 and 31 makes the provisions relating to the c:reation of Human Rights Courts in each district....
STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONS- SHRC 10:30 0 The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, provides for the establishment of State Human Rights Commissions (SHRC). The composition of the S...
NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION- NHRC 10:30 0 The Government of India, to ensure a free and fair Redressal of human rights violation, enacted the Human Rights Protection Act, 1993. It t...
THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (AMENDMENT)ACT, 2006 10:27 0 An Act further to amend the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. Be it enacted by Parliament on13th September, 2006, in the Fifty-seven...
The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 10:26 0 Human Rights specific elements of national enactments in India The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 An Act to provide for the consti...
Judicial protection of Human Rights 10:23 0 Human Rights are commonly understood as “inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he i...
FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES 10:22 0 You have read that rights and duties are closely related. These in fact are considered two sides of the same coin. Gandhi, in particular, o...
DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY 10:21 0 As already mentioned, the framers of the Constitution were eager to provide both Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultur...
FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS 10:19 0 The fundamental rights have been provided in part III of the Constitution. These are primarily in the nature of civil and political rights....
The Constituent Assembly-Post-Independent period 10:15 0 The idea that every individual possessed certain inherent rights was one of the prominent moving spirits of freedom struggle and therefore,...
THE EARLIEST ACTIVISTS 10:15 0 Broadly speaking, the modem period in India started with advent of the British and the English education in the early 19" cenrury. ...
RESPONSES TO THE BRITISH RULE 10:08 0 The arrival of the British in India initiated a new phase in Indian history. It was under the British rule that fundamental economic and po...
BRITISH INDIA : People and Human Rights Violations 10:07 2 For the convenience of understanding and highlighting the human rights violations during the British rule, we can divide the issues and are...